To give ourselves an identity in this physical world, we must first completely forget who we are…

To be better

We try to distinguish ourselves by raising ourselves above others. This can be material: by having a better position, a bigger house, or we consider ourselves ‘better’ or more spiritual.

All reasons to distinct ourselves from others who in our eyes are ‘less’. These can be the ‘rich’, the ‘terrorists’, the ‘immoral priests’, the ‘black people’. In short, everything we project on the outside world, because we do not dare to face it inside ourselves…

Identification with and attachment to matter is the cause of all suffering…

One day our inner eyes will open and we realize that there is no one better or less than we are. Our inner journey has begun. We are on the way to real peace, freedom and authenticity. We embrace our pain as well as our joy. No longer we are attached to pain or joy and we judge less. We become aware of unity. Our little self disappears and makes way for ‘we’.

I let go – I let God, I said after the big release…

As a rock in the surf

Much against the will of my practitioners I went, after my divorce and a period of serious illness, to India and Nepal for a seven-month initiation journey. I was looking for a teacher, and found him in the person of Father Bedegriffiths: his simplicity. I did my first 10-day Vipassana in Bodhnath. I stood like a rock in the surf and I survived…

Every time we push our limits, we become more whole in all dimensions…

The land of the living

Long ago, Giri and I came back from our world trip. Again, I was seriously ill and underwent various operations. On top off it, I got Lyme disease. I was no more and no less than a wreck. At that time I stepped into a four-dimensional consciousness for 14 days, flew to Egypt on my own, and while I before barely could walk, effortlessly I climbed the Pyramids…

That same year I did the Living on Light process without any supervision. It brought me not only back into the land of the living; it also brought me a wholeness and lightness that no one could imagine…

In the end, it is not about eating or not eating. It is our thoughts and what we bring into the world through our actions, our words, and through the social media…

During my long illness, nature became my most important teacher. Together with the silence, it became a source of inner wisdom, a coming home, a gateway that pointed to heaven…

Traveling again

After working many times in the Antilles, where I met and initiated beautiful people, I went on a journey around the world again. This time Giri wanted to come with me. We left all our certainties behind and started our journey empty-handed and without a fixed program. Everywhere people recognized my energy. It became a blessed journey full of miracles and unprecedented possibilities. Unplanned we earned enough to live on; we could even support various projects.

From the moment I let go my control and surrendered myself to the source of all creation, life became a miracle…


Again, I lock myself in my small house and celebrate Easter by being in silence and fasting. I walk barefoot and let the sun warm up my naked body. As the days are getting on, I become increasingly quiet inside and all physical pains disappear. I see and feel myself reflected in everything that grows and blooms in my beautiful garden…

The ultimate truth lays always in the middle. To find your true nature, you must let go completely your searching…

Although there is sometimes a desire for a different environment where my vision can be heard and embraced, there is nothing wrong with this place. It is been transformed into an oasis of wholeness where many weary travelers can indulge on the Source…

In a far past

‘I was not aware. I identified myself with my little separate ‘me’ and did not realize that all pain, all suffering, all loneliness was nothing more and nothing less than a blessing from the Supreme to polish myself and bring me back to my true nature, so I could surrender to the flow of true life to be of service to the world…’

Every person must fulfill his own duty and walk his own path. Too much support keeps the other person away from finding his own unique path…

Who am I

I am less tempted to answer questions that I do not know the answer of – for you. Answers block the inquiring mind. Questions keep us alive and creative. The innocent child is not concerned with yesterday or tomorrow, but is always present in the eternal now. How wonderful it would be if all of us, including science and politicians, dared to say, ‘I do not know’. When we dared to be vulnerable and sincere without being afraid of losing our face, the universe would immediately open itself to a never-ending stream of creative possibilities…

My knowledge and my wisdom flows in a clear, relentless stream and feeds everyone who is thirsty…


You will not find any security in matter, religion, caste, tradition or anywhere else. Every way, every method is nothing more and nothing less as a steppingstone, but not the true thing. Enjoy all that is and know that there is nothing what can be achieved. Every flower, every animal, every person comes to full bloom at the right time…

Our assignment

We have come to earth to polish our Self so we can serve others. Everyone has his or her own mission in life that reveals itself at the time we no longer are concerned about the goal, but focus on the road. My common thread was and is the person on the sideline; the sick person, the prisoner, the sentenced to death, the beach boys in Kenya and last but not least the refugee…

Do not ask me why. I have no answer. I am only the witness of my own actions. My mission became more or less clear by being on the road without expectations and without a predetermined goal. I was allowed to bring consciousness on places where people are open to it and to give the refugee a face, literally against all oppression.

For the refugee who wakes up, his journey is just as much an initiation journey as mine…

Human being

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By connecting, like in Samos where we lived together with our rainbow children with their traumatic backgrounds, from different religions, nationalities and cultures, not only something happened to me, also their inner horizons broadened. The power and light that they emit has an effect on their environment. Every drop will become an ocean…

‘I met an angel. She taught me who I Am…’

And so we build a new world in which ultimately every pearl will have its own place. Of course, we give them food, drinks, a hot shower and all the material things they need at that moment: a football, new shoes, a phone, money for the ‘employment agency’ so they can work on an island. We even pay school fees for their children in their home country…

By seeing refugees as victims, we make them with the best intentions dependent and greedy. What they really ask for is what every person is asking for: to be seen and be embraced as a fellow human being.


Just before Ramadan, we visited three of our first refugee families who, after all those years, are allowed to build a new life in Germany. They went through deep processes of pain and suffering. The old is no longer there, the new life begins to unfold…

Should they know how privileged they are, while thousands of refugees never get the possibility to build a new life because they are not from Syria or Eritrea. Therefore, they are not welcome anywhere in Europe…

Gateway to heaven

You are an innovator and people simply do not like innovation…

My ‘being’ in Kenya served no other purpose than my ‘being’ with the refugee or with you. Every encounter and every action from the heart opens a gateway to heaven.

I do not feel sorry but compassion. Not just for the refugee but also for all who bring this flow into the world by supplying weapons, trading people like slaves, building walls and closing borders. In my opinion, they are the true refugees, the true victims…

Chickens without head

The refugee disrupts the illusion of a manageable society and, in my opinion, is a symbol for the process of a total revolution in which the entire world finds itself. This raises hidden fears. Fears, which are gratefully nourished by the media…

Heaven and Hell exist exclusively in the imagination and the world is a perfect projection of it…

My book ‘One Love – One tribe’ is a testimony of love and wholeness and no more and no less than a tool with which I may touch people. My ‘being’ opens inner doors beyond pain and suffering, beyond fear of the unknown…

‘Wow what a spirit! You are an example to each of us. Not only that, you also show us how we can look at a refugee on a different way…’

Without connection to the Source, we act like chickens without head. We miss the divine sparkle on the inside that allows us to create and live as gods in harmony and connection with our true nature.
We do not only live in a time that requires a revolution; more than ever we have the opportunity to go into a transition. I choose for the last…

Adversity and challenges polish us to find our true nature…

The feeding mother

Every form in creation is focused on service and knows instinctively that it must give its life in order to sustain another…

Everything that feeds our life comes from Mother Earth. Although she gives unconditionally of her abundance, in our ignorance/greed we have forgotten who we are and who she is.

By fully connecting with her, I no longer have to hide my dark side or to project it onto others. This is my strength. In any way, I do not feel better than anyone else. Also I am in no way less than anyone else.

The poor girl has become a princess. She is kissed awake by a prince named love and she shines like the sun…

True nature

Awareness is the basis. Everything is energy and everything is connected to everything. Every human being who is aware of his true nature, can no longer see himself as being separated from others. After our awakening, we automatically take care of ourselves and our environment.

Fanaticism and spreading our opinion and emotions through social media, is the true poison and the curse of our time…

From victim to creator

Every person is responsible for her own well-being. We cannot change the circumstances, but we can decide how we want to deal with those circumstances…

More or less forced by the circumstances, I have walked my wayward way all my life. If I had listened to my therapist in the past, I certainly would not have gone to India and my life would have taken a completely different turn.

By pushing my boundaries and crossing the boundaries between life and death several times, I became more complete at every level.

I really dare to say that we are the creators of our own reality…

Om Shanti, Yasmin

My books

One Love - One Tribe

My first seven books are also available in English as E-book. My latest book ‘One Love – One Tribe’ – is a testimony of true life in which suffering and love are inevitable ingredients to polish ourselves to wholeness. It is in print and as E-book.

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