
Dat gaf Edith Rinkens aan iedereen die voor haar voeten kwam. Ze was één bonk Liefde, één bonk vibrerend Leven. Ze vertrok naar gene zijde met haar uitbundige lach, een traan en de snelheid van de wind. Het ware Leven dat ons verbindt is een Mysterie dat geen begin en geen einde kent. Lieve kanjer, jij kleurde de wereld in alle opzichten mooier. Je reist voor altijd met me mee.


Ssentamu uit Samos verwoordt het zo: ‘Mummy, I cannot forget one hour we spent together. I learnt a lot from you and Giri. Unlike before, you made me feel loved. Indeed, I was a child. Mummy, I had never seen or experienced this in my whole life. I have a mother but due to our situation, she could not give us that love. To get food on the table she had to wake up early and she came home late. All I missed in my childhood, you gave to me in four weeks: Mother love…

I cannot find words to show how grateful I am. Those hugs and kisses before going to bed and before breakfast! I love you my Malaika – my Dushi. You learnt me something important: Sharing Love is more valuable than giving a person a million dollars. You brought my happiness back where I had lost hope due to the camp stress. You are my inspiration…’

Zonder wrijving geen glans

Het is maar goed dat Ssentamu niet weet dat ik die liefde zelf niet gekend heb. Dat ik opgroeide in armoede, mijn ouders jong verloor en dat ik eerst alle dieptes van de hel moest leren kennen voor ik mezelf kon liefhebben en de hemel op aarde kon gaan leven…

We vertrekken 24 september

Giri en ik vliegen via Milaan en Osama naar Athene waar we in Omonia – het hart van de vluchtelingen – een huis hebben gehuurd met vele bedden. Of het gaat lukken weten we niet, maar we willen onze regenboogfamilie uit Samos, inmiddels verspreidt over heel  Griekenland, samenbrengen. En uiteraard zullen we in Athene vele vrienden ontmoeten.

Verdere plannen hebben we niet. Als altijd gaan we met lege handen en zal alles zich ontvouwen zoals een bloem zich ontvouwt in de warmte van de zomerzon

Warme omhelzing,

Dear members of the European Parliament

Today they are on the run, tomorrow we may be the one…

Years ago, the registration officer in Lesbos asked me to speak for the European Parliament.
I told him: ‘Listen, I am a peacemaker, not an activist.’ By writing on request my book: ‘One Love – One Tribe – Face behind the refugee’, I had to go through enormous depths. Now I do not have an excuse anymore, the time is ready to speak.

I lived for many years in Africa between the poor. Even if their lifestyle is different, they have something we lost: the power of trust in the unseen. Classifying them all as fortune hunters, we will only do if we never stood in their shoes.

Since four years, my partner and I spend lots of time between the refugees. We meet them, embrace them and let them know that they are welcome. Believe me: if we really take the time to look them into their eyes, we immediately start to realize that there is no difference between them and us. Never again, we will take the same decisions as we are taking now.

Because everybody is focusing on women and children, we focus particular on man. Those people we like to classify as terrorists, criminals and rapists. When they arrive, most of them are pure and innocent, no different from us. After treating them as we are doing, many of those beautiful souls get stuck somewhere in Europe and lose their hope.

A shame for Europe

The refuge-crisis is a shame for Europe. The Turkey deal, the way we push refugees back and let them drown before our eyes without even acting, is a shame for Europe, a shame for humanity. All the money we spend on Frontex, we can better spend to give our brothers and sisters a better life.

How can we speak about human rights and turn our back to all those suffering. How can we accept that thousands of those young beautiful souls are dying, while we mourn for years when it is one of our family members?

How can we sleep, while they are fighting for their lives? From behind our desks, we have already divided them in refugees and migrants and classified as real or unreal. How can we live with this?

The real slaves, the real losers are we, the privileged ones. We are not only closing our borders, we are even closing our hearts and by doing this we have degraded ourselves from human beings to human doings.

Our policy is as much divided as we are

Believe me, the refugee is not the problem, we are the problem. As long as we nourish the illusion that we are better than others, because of our religion, our position or our skin, we think we have the right to explore the world and to feed our boundless greediness, while we exclude others by building high walls and detention centers.

After 11th of September 2001, willingly or unwillingly, we have spread fear all over the planet. When we are fearful, we lose our power. We also lose our integrity and we are taking decisions we never should take.

I do not make a difference between migrants or refugees. All people who leave their homeland and take the risk to lose their lives, have a reason to come here.

Let us open our eyes and see how mother earth is reacting on our manipulation. Ultimately, we are destroying our selves. One day we will wake up realizing we cannot exclude anyone. We are One World – One family. We breathe the same air.

If we realize it or not, we are all moving in the same direction. Even if we think we are more privileged than others, we will all end up in the grave. Be honest, if we look back at the end of our lives, can we be proud on the way we have exploited our earth and its inhabitants, on the legacy we leave for our children and grandchildren? I do not believe this!

Life on earth is beautiful because of her differentiation. If we like it or not, the world has to mingle. When we are living our true nature, without fear and with an open heart, we will honor all life and never destroy anything or kill anybody. Then we unfold our full potential and do not take more then we really need. Then we know there is abundance for all of us.

I challenge you to read my book. It is a touching but beautiful book about beautiful people…

Before we send them back, let us go there and life with them for a while. Then we start to realize that no solutions invented by westerners behind their desks will work there, because they are not living and controlling their life the way we are doing.
If we like it or not we need each other. How more we like to control others, the more we will lose control and nature will take over. Deep inside of our heart, we know this…

I wish you and every living being on this beautiful planet, a long and an abundant life,

Yasmin Verschure
– The Netherlands

  • Our appointment for this week was cancelled because of renovation. Today I got permission to sent a box of 20 books and letters to Sophie in ’t Veld and her secetary Sylvia Heerbaart. They will divide them…